Insomnia Treatment

Sleeping is trusting. In order to get a good night’s sleep, you need to give up control – yield and trust that you will be safe.

Sleep disorders are characterized by the inability to get sufficient and / or restful sleep. The labels range from insomnia, to sleep apnea, to somnambulism, to night terrors, to restless leg syndrome, to narcolepsy, and even sexomnia. Whatever the disorder, the underlying result and complaint are the same: “I don’t get enough sleep!”

The quality, rather than quantity, of a person’s sleep is important. You may be getting eight hours of sleep, but wake up feeling tired. Conversely, some people require only five hours of sleep to wake up feeling energized.

Insomnia, as well as other sleep disorders, is a symptom, not a disease on its own. This wakeful state is the result of physical and psychological causes which the organism is attempting to resolve. Just as the body creates fever to defend itself from invading microorganisms, or diarrhea to rid the intestines of pathogens or irritants, a sleep disorder is a sign that something else needs to be addressed. Sometimes the solution is as simple as giving up coffee or getting regular exercise. In some cases, sleep disorders can be caused by prescription medication side effects, as well as joint pain, physical injuries, fibromyalgia, hormonal imbalance, or injury to the brain stem.

It is common for women to experience periodic insomnia during hormonal shifts such as PMS, pregnancy, and menopause. Chronic insomnia, however, is often due to underlying anxiety, fear, and depression.

Symptoms of insomnia can include difficulty falling asleep, waking up during the night, having trouble falling back asleep, waking up too early in the morning, sleeping lightly, and waking up feeling un-refreshed.

By analyzing the combined physical and psychological symptoms, Dr. Ranchod will find a remedy that corresponds to the patient’s state of being. He looks for a theme that links the person’s physical and psychological states. For example, a person needing the remedy Natrum Muriaticum will have “suppression” as the main theme. They may have unexpressed grief and anger on the emotional level, paralleled with physical suppressions such as fluid retention and constipation. Similarly, a person needing the remedy Causticum will present the theme of “rigidity” running through both physical and emotional states: rigid and unbending ideals about what’s right and wrong, as well as rigidity in their muscles and joints leading to eventual paralysis in the body.

The correct homeopathic remedy generates astounding results. Anxieties start to dissipate, depression lifts, physical symptoms disappear, and the negative life-patterns start to unravel. People feel compelled to make better choices, stay positive, and lead more fulfilling lives.

If you are struggling with Insomnia, reach out to our Wynberg practice and find a remedy that cures not just the insomnia, but all of the underlying factors that contribute towards it.